St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

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就职典礼于5月7日举行,由分会顾问李志强博士主持. 利一. 西蒙,现代语言助理教授. 

New members of Sigma Delta Pi are Marisol Woods-Jones of Cheltenham, Pennsylvania; Emily E. Holstein of Milford, Delaware; Adele M. Caputo of Manlius, New York; Gabriella M. Savarino of Clarence Center, New York; Alby Alex of New City, New York; and Addison O. 纽约Skaneateles的Gremli.


成立于1919年, 西格玛德尔塔派是世界上最大的国际外语协会,拥有540多个分会,是唯一一个专门为四年制大学西班牙语学生服务的荣誉协会.

The mission of the honor society is to honor those who attain excellence in the study of the Spanish language and in the study of the literature and culture of the Spanish-speaking peoples; to encourage college and university students to acquire a greater interest in and a deeper understanding of Hispanic culture; and to foster friendly relations and mutual respect between the nations of Hispanic speech and those of English speech.



大学简介: 美国第一所方济各会大学St. 博纳文蒂尔大学是一个致力于在课堂内外改变学生生活的社区, 激励他们终身致力于服务和公民责任. 2020年,St. Bonaventure被美国大学评为纽约地区大学价值第二名,北部地区大学价值第三名.S. 贝博官网app体彩网与世界报道.