St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

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Calabria presents at Spalding Symposium on 印度n Religions


Fr. Michael Calabria, associate professor and director of the 阿拉伯中心 & 伊斯兰教研究, was a presenter at the Spalding Symposium on 印度n Religions held April 19-21 at Cardiff University, 威尔士.

The theme of this year's symposium was pilgrimage in South Asia. Fr的标题. Michael's paper was "The Path of the Penitent: The Pilgrimage to Ajmer under Shah Jahan."


  • 电影:印度神学家认可《贝博官网app体彩网》
    苏丹和圣人"苏丹和圣人" docudrama was screened during the Fourth Seminar of the Forum For South Asian Jesuit Theologians that was held at Ashirwad, 班加罗尔, 4月29日至5月1日. 与会者包括著名神学家Frs. 迈克尔Amaladoss, founder director of the Institute for Dialogue between Cultures and Religions, 塞巴斯蒂安·帕纳达斯, SJ, Sameeksha道场的创始人和主任, Kalady, 喀拉拉邦, 印度. Fr. Amalados called it "an excellent movie" with "powerful images," a film with "great educational value."  Members of the Franciscan Friars of Holy Name Province participated in the documentary's making including Fr. 迈克尔·库萨托,O.F.M.方济会研究的教授,和Fr. 迈克尔·卡拉布里亚,O.F.M., assistant professor of theology and 他是阿拉伯和伊斯兰研究中心主任 at St. 博纳旺蒂尔. 了解更多.

  • “哪里有仇恨,就让我播种爱 ...'
    Fr评论. 迈克尔D. 阿,卡拉布里亚.F.M., 他是阿拉伯和伊斯兰研究中心主任, 3月23日出版, 2019, in the Olean Times Herald: "In the aftermath of the terrible carnage in Christchurch — and now Utrecht, the Netherlands — this is not a time to debate religious truths, 文化多样性或历史. 这是我们所有人哀悼的时刻, 悼念失去的50个人, women and children who died attending to their sacred duty to pray, to offer our prayers for them and for those who mourn their deaths." 阅读完整的评论.

  • “哪里有仇恨,就让我播种爱...'
    Fr评论. 迈克尔D. 阿,卡拉布里亚.F.M., 他是阿拉伯和伊斯兰研究中心主任, 3月23日出版, 2019, in the Olean Times Herald: "In the aftermath of the terrible carnage in Christchurch — and now Utrecht, the Netherlands — this is not a time to debate religious truths, 文化多样性或历史. 这是我们所有人哀悼的时刻, 悼念失去的50个人, women and children who died attending to their sacred duty to pray, to offer our prayers for them and for those who mourn their deaths." 阅读完整的评论.

  • Franciscan show support to local Muslims gathered for prayer
    方济各会对当地穆斯林表示支持When news of the massacre at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, unfolded, Fr. Michael Calabria felt compelled to reach out and show support for the local Muslim community. Calabria, 他是阿拉伯和伊斯兰研究中心主任 at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学和Br. 罗伯特Lentz. went to the Islamic Society of the Southern Tier in Allegany as members gathered for prayers. "They stood guard outside of our mosque so that we could conduct our Friday prayers with a sense of security,阿萨德·赛义德说, 南部伊斯兰协会的成员. "They stood outside in the blowing cold wind for over an hour. Everyone in our community is very touched and overwhelmed with this great, 团结和勇气的高尚行为. 阅读《贝博官网app体彩网》的完整文章.

  • 社区聚集在贝博官网app体彩网 to honor Christchurch victims, religious freedom
    祈祷Gathered together in the solemnity of the McGinley-Carney Center for Franciscan Ministry, 约80名社区成员, 以及圣乔治大学的学生和教师. 博纳旺蒂尔大学, paid their respects to the victims of the Christchurch shooting. 庆祝团结, Love and Religious Freedom was organized by the Muslim Students and Allies Club to honor those lives lost while praying at the Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Center in New Zealand. 阅读《贝博官网app体彩网》的完整文章.

  • 杨百翰大学主办了犹他州总理 苏丹和圣人
    苏丹和圣人10月. 13, Brigham Young University hosted the Utah premier of UPF’s The Sultan and The Saint, a retelling of the astounding meeting between the Sultan of Egypt Malik al-Kamil and the man who became St. Francis of Assisi – a meeting directly responsible for the ending of the fifth crusade. Brigham Young is the largest private Christian university in North America, and with religious outreach programs and successful academic publishing ventures like the Middle Eastern Texts Initiative, the school has established itself as an important resource for scholarly connection along the Christian and Muslim intersection. 了解更多.

  • 苏丹和圣人 致总理12月. 26日在PBS播出
    苏丹和圣人1219年圣. 阿西西的弗朗西斯和马雷克·卡米尔, 埃及的苏丹, during yet another flashpoint in the long history of the Crusades, 被拍成纪录片了吗. "苏丹和圣人" will get its nationwide premiere Dec. 26日在PBS播出. Members of the Franciscan Friars of Holy Name Province participated in the documentary's making including Fr. 迈克尔·库萨托,O.F.M.方济会研究的教授,和Fr. 迈克尔·卡拉布里亚,O.F.M., assistant professor of theology and 他是阿拉伯和伊斯兰研究中心主任 at St. 博纳旺蒂尔. 了解更多

  • CAIS在紧张的世界中促进理解
    奥利安时代先驱报- 4/5/17
    "Catholic education is about embracing the world in its variety and in its diversity," said Fr. 迈克尔·卡拉布里亚,O.F.M., St主任. 博纳旺蒂尔阿拉伯和伊斯兰研究中心. 方济各会的魅力鼓励对历史的研究, 或者其他文化, or other languages in order to see how this God has so magnificently manifested himself in all of creation." 了解更多.

  • 伊斯兰教和基督教:我们如何联系?'
    阿灵顿天主教先驱报,阿灵顿., Va. — 3/28/17
    Fr. Michael Calabria, director of the Center of Arab and 伊斯兰教研究 at St. 博纳旺蒂尔, relays stories of interfaith cooperation during a "Theology on Tap" session at Ornery Beer Company and Public House in Woodbridge, Va. 了解更多.

  • 同伊斯兰对话特别委员会开会
    Ordo Fratrum Minorum(方济会修士网站)- 2016年3月12日
    The first meeting of the Order of Friars Minor's Special Commission for Dialogue with Islam met in November of 2016 to establish its agenda of activities and projects for the next six years, 其中最主要的将是准备的多样化, multilingual materials to assist the Order and its ecumenical and interfaith friends in commemorating the eighth centenary of the meeting between St. 弗朗西斯和苏丹马利克·卡米尔在1209年. 了解更多.

  • CAIS的创建对穆斯林社区来说是一个好兆头
    奥利安时代先驱报- 2016年10月30日
    St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学’s establishment of its 阿拉伯中心 and 伊斯兰教研究 last year was a sign to Dr. Adil Al-Humadi — a sign of just far how Muslims in the Southern Tier had come. 阅读完整的文章.

  • St. 博纳旺蒂尔校园讨论伊斯兰恐惧症 
    博纳风险投资- 2016年2月8日
    The fourth discussion in the resident life Civil Dialogue Series, 周三晚上在里贾纳A举行. Quick Center for the 艺术, engaged students in a conversation about Islamophobia.Nichole Gonzalez, executive director of residential living, introduced Fr. 迈克尔·卡拉布里亚,O.F.M., Ph.D., and director of the 阿拉伯中心ic and 伊斯兰教研究, who led the talk. 仇视伊斯兰教往往源于无知, 误解或政治议程, 卡拉布里亚说. 阅读完整的文章

  • 没有欢迎垫: After the Paris attacks, the fear of Islam runs rampant in the United States 
    U.S.贝博官网app体彩网 & 世界报道- 2015年11月20日
    文章特色评论Fr. 迈克尔·卡拉布里亚,O.F.M.CAIS主任. “我理解人们的恐惧. But you don't respond to fear and hatred with more fear and hatred."阅读完整的文章.