St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


妇女研究 and Women's 历史

  • 走出家门Beyond the Home: A 历史 of Women's Rights, Milestones and Quotes
    Women did not get the rights they have today overnight, nor was the fight for equality an easy one. It was a fight full of passion, tears and hard times. 今天 we are living the dream of women who set in motion the changes we see today.
  • H-Women, the discussion group on women, is p艺术 of the Humanities Network. You can subscribe to online discussions and search the discussion logs for previous topics. This is a super site with a compilation of bibliographies, 教学大纲, 学术书籍评论, 以及其他网站的链接.
  • Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000  Over 2400 primary documents on the website of the State University of New York at Binghamton.
  • Center for the Historical Study of Women and Gender at Binghamton, which is a continuation of the previous listing.
  • Gerri Gribi的网站 provides you with links to women’s studies programs (and to searchable lists of women’s studies programs) and women’s centers. Gribi also has material on folk 音乐 (she’s an historian and folk 音乐ian), 非裔美国人的历史, 阿巴拉契亚的研究, and curriculum plans for primary and secondary schools.
  • 索菲亚·史密斯系列 at Smith College is "an internationally recognized repository of manuscripts, 照片, periodicals and other primary sources in women's history."
  • Berkshire Conference on the 历史 of Women
  • 密涅瓦中心 Supports the Study of Women in War & Women and the Military (includes links to H-Minerva discussion group, 关于妇女和战争的参考书目, and other searchable resources on women and military issues).
  • Documents from the Women’s Liberation Movement (杜克大学)
  • 芝加哥妇女解放联盟 (1969-77) provides historical material, 包括照片, 艺术, 音乐, 回忆录, 及其他档案资料.
  • 简-亚当斯 (p艺术 of Sw艺术hmore’s Peace Collection).
  • 玛格丽特·桑格论文项目 (在纽约大学网站上)
  • Women’s Health: A Guide to Legal 资源 is published by American University's Washington College of Law. The guide provides an abundance of resources for women regarding their legal rights when it comes to their health, how to navigate legal challenges if they arise, and how to advocate for better care for themselves and all women. Also included in the resource is a glossary of common women's health legal terms that would be helpful for all to know. 


  • 商界女性心理学探索者职业指南
    Psychology Explorer focuses on helping students research higher education and labor trends in the behavioral and mental health sciences sectors. Below are two career guides to help you understand the changing landscapes of these programs and their impact on careers and employment.
  • Purdue University Global Center for Women in Business 
    这个资源 center highlights notable educational, career support and community resources for women to gain more insight into business and entrepreneurship. The resource also offers financial aid and scholarship resources, entrepreneurial funding opportunities, and networking opportunities with professional associations and organizations for women interested in furthering their career as a business professional.
  • 42 资源 for Women in Leadership and Business
    对于女性来说, “having it all” once meant balancing the demands of family and career, 母性与管理, 爱情与工作. 今天 ... women in leadership roles and positions of privilege are also expected to be well read and informed about current events, financially savvy and socially aware, and healthy in every sense — physically, 情感上和精神上. The University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler's Business School shares 42 reputable resources to guide and support women in navigating the demands and challenges they face as workplace leaders.
  • 玻璃天花板图形想要更好的结果? Take a Hammer to Your Company's Glass Ceiling.
    这个资源, published by the Graduate School of Education and Psychology at Pepperdine University, shares the difference in positions and wage earnings between men and women, common barriers that prevent women from advancing to executive positions and our nation's progression on the pay gap trend. Also discussed is the importance of public representation with regard to women in the workplace and diversifying leadership. I believe this would be a valuable resource for your readers to refer as it raises awareness about the gender pay gap and the importance of diversity in the workplace.
  • 国家议会中的妇女 The Inter-Parliamentary Union keeps an updated list of the number of women in national parliaments.
  • Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership has great historical records of women who have occupied such positions as heads of government, 外交部长, 大使, 党的领导人, 和议会主席.
  • Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers keeps updated statistics on women in the U.S. Congress and statewide elected office as well as women running for office and historical information.
  • 艾米丽的名单 开始在美国掀起波澜.S. electoral scene in the mid-1980s by providing much-needed campaign funding to progressive, 支持堕胎的女性候选人. It is now the country's largest political action committee and the largest funder of federal candidates since 1994.