St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


The academic study of theology aims to investigate the nature of God and interpret various dimensions of human religious experience. Theology studies what people believe about God and the fundamental nature of reality and why they hold those beliefs.

Theology examines what people do in religious groups and institutions to express their beliefs, 是什么促使人们采取宗教人生观. Theology studies the past with a view to understanding its influence on the present and the future.

方济会的研究 focuses on figures and movements connected to the religious way of life initiated by Francis (d. 1226年)和阿西西的克莱尔(d. 1253).


Students who take courses in 神学和方济会研究 can expect to learn more about the beliefs, 值, 以及世界各地宗教人士的实践, 特别关注基督教传统. Some courses focus on a p艺术icular theological theme or issue that has been debated by scholars over the centuries, while others explore the role of religion in contemporary society or examine the relation between religion and other realms of thought (science, 哲学, 艺术, 等.).

在这种多样性中, one concern remains paramount: to equip students with intellectual concepts and methods to enable them to think carefully and systematically about the ultimate questions of life in the company of others who have explored these questions before them.

For more information about the 神学和方济会研究 program at St. 博纳旺蒂尔, 给系主任发邮件, Fr. 凯尔·哈登,O.F.M.


神学和方济会研究系提供学士学位.A. 修神学辅修神学.


The student majoring in Theology studies what people believe about God and the fundamental nature of reality and why they hold those beliefs, what people do in religious groups and institutions to express their beliefs, 是什么促使人们采取宗教人生观. The major equips students with intellectual concepts and methods to enable them to think carefully and systematically about the ultimate questions of life in the company of others who have explored these questions before them.


  • 神学小

    对于非专业学生, the 神学小 provides a solid grounding in the fundamentals of theology to aid in the understanding of their major fields.


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